21 July 2014


Dear Friends,

Please sign Tom Watson's petition. We need a million.

In 2013 Coalition for Marriage garnered 600,000 plus, in support of marriage being defined as between one man and one woman only.
let us see if we can achieve a million signatures and force the government to conduct a proper and full investigation into paedophile rings within government.

Please sign and forward to friends and relatives.

In the name of Jesus Christ

David Skinner

17 July 2014

Statement from the Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham-The Assisted Dying Bill:

The Assisted Dying Bill has its Second Reading in the House of Lords on Friday 18 July. If it became law it would make incitement to suicide routine in our society, thereby putting pressure on the most vulnerable to see themselves as a burden to society. The Church’s teaching is clear: that human life, from conception to natural death, is a gift from God. Christ calls us to offer those facing serious illness care and hope, not despair and killing. The emergence of the hospice movement, which has enabled great progress in palliative care, is one of the fruits of this Christian calling common to Catholics, Anglicans and other Christians. The Assisted Dying Bill is a rejection of this Christian inheritance, and instead promotes what Pope St John Paul II called a ‘culture of death’.
Information on lobbying Peers can be found here:

This conflict against the culture of death is first of all a spiritual one, and therefore I invite members of the Ordinariate and others to dedicate some time today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday) to pray - if possible before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament - for the upholding of the sanctity of human life.



Urge Lords to vote for care not killing

There is increasing pressure on members of the House of Lords to allow Lord Falconer's Bill through to the next stage on Friday. However, this would put vulnerable people at risk. You can help stop this from happening by contacting members of the House of Lords today. Simply write a short, hand-written note asking them to vote against the Bill and send it first class - click here for names. This Bill is not the way to debate a life and death issue.
On Friday, the House of Lords will debate a Bill to legalise assisted suicide. A change would put many vulnerable lives at risk and would legalise killing patients when they most need our compassion.

As the Archbishop of Canterbury has said, a change ‘is bound to lead to sensitive individuals feeling that they ought to stop “being a burden to others”. What sort of society would we be creating if we were to allow this sword of Damocles to hang over the head of every vulnerable, terminally ill person in the country?’

Click here to contact Peers.This Bill is not the way to debate a matter of life and death.

THREE reasons Christians oppose assisted suicide:
  • Humans are made in the image of God and God tells us that killing another human being is wrong.
  • Recognising the value and dignity of every human being, Christians have been radical pioneers in caring for the sick, often providing compassion and healthcare to those that society has left to die.
  • All people will face judgement after death and so a compassionate Christian response cannot allow those who do not know Jesus Christ to be sped towards their death and God’s judgement.

TWO additional points to make:
  • The Supreme Court has suggested that Parliament reconsider the law around euthanasia for the severely ill and disabled. However this Bill is not the right way to do this as it addresses a different situation (those facing terminal illness rather than those who are disabled or severely ill). Yet this Bill is something of a Trojan Horse - if it is voted through on Friday, it will make future erosion of the protections for vulnerable people much more likely.
  • All major disability rights groups oppose a change in the law, as does the World Medical Association, the British Medical Association, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of General Practitioners, the Association for Palliative Medicine and the British Geriatric Society. 

ONE quick and easy way to make a difference:
  • Write today to members of the House of Lords urging them to attend the debate on Friday and oppose the Bill. Click here for a webpage where you can request the names of three Peers to whom to write. The automatically generated return e-mail contains guidance on what and how to write. However, a short hand-written note (sent first class) simply asking Peers to vote against the Bill, will also be effective at this stage.

Thank you for taking action to protect the vulnerable.


Dear Friends,
Lisa Nolland has an extremely important request to make, which will take just a matter of seconds for you to respond. Please respond.
In the Name of Jesus Christ.
David Skinner

Dear Friends and Colleagues

I write to ask you to sign two petitions from Citizen Go, pray for their success and disseminate them if you can to your networks of family, friends, church and neighbours.

The first petition supports poor Brendan Eich, whose politically incorrect views and support for traditional marriage cost him his job.  That the church essentially ducked and denied this worrying development has at least in part led to the need for the second petition, that protesting JP Morgan Chase's invasive survey to its employees.  For those who may not be aware, Morgan Chase is a leading  US/global financier.  In a recent questionnaire, which includes names, employees are asked if they are "a member of the LGBT community." Separately, they are also asked if they are "an ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identified as LGBT."  Of course the writing is on the wall:  if they refuse to go along with this agenda, what is the likelihood they will not be paying for it with their jobs?
Indeed, that we are looking at a form of ideological 'ethnic cleansing' in the global world of business cannot be doubted.  Starbucks, Burger King and Betty Crocker are just a few of the giants now promoting LGBT rights. If we do not push back, it will soon be too late.  We know that when the public cries loud enough things happen  But in the main, our side has tended to be passively apolitical and apathetic, which means that activists encounter little resistance as they go from strength to strength.

Please take just a few minutes to sign below.  
If you would like to get more involved, do be in touch.

Blessings on your day and your world, and may God fill both with His comfort and hope. 

Lisa Severine Nolland,  MA MCS PhD (Bristol)
Director, GayMarriageNoThanks.com
Convenor, Marriage Sex and Culture Group, Anglican Mainstream
07503 298 521; Ls.n@talktalk.net

We do not want joy and anger to neutralize each other and produce a surly contentment; we want a fiercer delight and a fiercer discontent. We have to feel the universe at once as an ogre's castle, to be stormed, and yet as our own cottage, to which we can return to at evening. G K Chesterton

8 June 2014

The New Pentecost

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit of Love overwhelmed me and I began to tremble....Our Lady spoke to me saying:  "Those accepting the Flame of Love will be intoxicated by the abundance of Graces and they will proclaim everywhere, as I have said before, that such a torrent of Grace has never been granted since the Word became flesh...you must take up my cause...you can not rest."

Our Mother to Elizabeth Kindelmann from "The Flame of Love" (let us accept and pray for theses grace this Sunday the great Feast of Pentecost....write to us and let us know your experience in asking for these graces).
Up to 5 Flame of Love books can be ordered in the US at www.flameoflove.us.

Please do forward these Spiritual Gems to your Catholic friends.

You can receive complimentary materials to make your Consecration to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart (important spiritual protection at this time in salvation history) at myconsecration.org... where you can also learn about Our Lady of Las Lajas.

God Bless you and your work,
    Anthony Mullen
    8 St. Albans Avenue
    Newtown Square, PA 19073
    visit us at: www.myconsecration.org


COLLECT of the Mass:

Almighty God,
you kindled this day the light of your Spirit
in the hearts of your faithful people;
may we by the same Spirit
have a right judgment in all things,
and evermore rejoice in your love and power;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.

 Come, Holy Spirit
Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation.
Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence.
Replace the fear within us with a strong faith.
Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace.
Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light.
Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth.
Replace the night within us with your light.
Replace the winter within us with your spring.
Straighten our crookedness.
Fill our emptiness.
Dull the edge of our pride.
Sharpen the edge of our humility.
Light the fires of our love.
Quench the flames of our lust.
Let us see ourselves as you see us
That we may see You. Amen.

3 June 2014


Act now to protect children from
inappropriate sex education


Deadline: 12noon this Friday (6th June)

The House of Commons Select Committee on Education is holding an inquiry into Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in schools and has called for evidence to be submitted by Noon next Friday (6th June).

SRE can have a very profound effect in shaping young people's attitudes and behaviour with regard to sex. Various groups are active in promoting an approach to SRE that diminishes the role of parents, provides no coherent moral framework and fails to show the connection with marriage and family. Young people will suffer as a result of such teaching.

This is an important opportunity for pupils, parents, grandparents, teachers, governors, youth workers, church leaders and others to speak up for a responsible approach and protect children from dangerous SRE.

Please respond to the Committee - even a brief response is better than none at all. 

Responding to the Committee is all the more important given:

  • The Church of England's new guidance on tackling 'homophobic bullying' developed following consultation with Stonewall (read more here)

  • News that the Crown Prosecution Service is developing resources to help teachers tackle 'homophobic abuse' (read more here)

Details of how to respond are available here >

Guidance for your response

The Family Education Trust (FET) highlights the following points (which are explained in more detail in its briefing document here):

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education should not be made a statutory part of the school curriculum

  • Schools should remain accountable to parents with regard to their PSHE and SRE provision

  • Pupils must be protected from inappropriate teaching and materials in SRE classes

  • The recent ‘supplementary advice’ produced by the PSHE Association, Brook and the Sex Education Forum does not merit government support

  • It is notoriously difficult to measure the effectiveness of SRE

  • You can download the full guidance from the Family Education Trust (FET) here >
  Further help:

  • You can download further guidance from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) here >

  • Good resources: You may also want to highlight the availability of high quality resources from organisations such as Lovewise, which have been well received in many schools. The head-teacher and governors of your local school might also be interested in these materials.

  • Please respond in your own words and note your interest in this issue (e.g. pupil, parent, teacher)

Thank you for taking the time to respond - it does make a difference.

1 June 2014

Spiritual Gems:

A Sad Tribute to the Greatest Unknown Friend

Is their a Person other than Jesus who seeks only your love, peace and joy and looks after you at every moment?  Yes!  This Person is in your soul personally if you are in a state of Grace just as He is in Heaven.  Most have little or just a vague understanding of this sublime Truth of our Faith...that this Person is the author of our Sanctification...the purpose of our existence....and that He actually dwells within you.

Few think of Him or pray to Him.  He has seven extraordinary Gifts for each of us which produce The Fruits of the divine life we must seek.  He seeks with His Spouse, Mary, to form Jesus Christ within our soul and in our body.  On this coming Pentecost Sunday, let us ask for the grace to finally know and enter into a meaningful, ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit as we should have with the Father and the Son.  Do we not "hurt" this Divine Person of the Holy Trinity by so often ignoring or staying ignorant of Him?

From Fr. Paul O'Sullivan's classic short book entitled: "The Holy Spirit our Greatest Friend"


Up to 5 Flame of Love books can be ordered in the US at www.flameoflove.us.

Please do forward these Spiritual Gems to your Catholic friends.

You can receive complimentary materials to make your Consecration to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart (important spiritual protection at this time in salvation history) at myconsecration.org... where you can also learn about Our Lady of Las Lajas.

God Bless you and your work,

Anthony Mullen
8 St. Albans Avenue
Newtown Square, PA 19073
visit us at: www.myconsecration.org

29 May 2014

Novena To The Holy Spirit:


Peace be with you!
This is just a quick reminder that the Pentecost Novena starts on Friday - that's tomorrow! 

We're looking forward to seeing the great things that God does for you during this novena through the Holy Spirit! 
Click to Share on Facebook
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If you know anyone who is interested in praying with us, let them know to sign up now so they get the first day!
They can sign up here: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/novena-to-the-holy-spirit/
Thank you for praying with us!

We're praying for you!

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie - PrayMoreNovenas.com
care2 petitionsite actionAlertPlease sign the petition today!
take action
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In Sudan, a woman named Meriam was sentenced to death earlier this month. Before she's hanged, the court decreed, she will be lashed 100 times, making her death agonizing as well as cruel. You see, Meriam married an American Christian -- and for that, she'll face a horrible fate.

I signed a petition asking Sudan to free Meriam. Will you sign it, too?


Meriam has spent the last few weeks shackled to the floor of a prison, where her son, Martin, is also trapped. Adultery and violation of faith should not be considered crimes at all, let alone acts worthy of the death penalty. Human rights groups are calling this a breach of international human rights law.

It is absolutely imperative that Meriam be set free immediately. If you agree, will you sign this petition, too?

http://www.care 2.com/go/z/e/AiVJU/zOWI/cZaoB
care2 Thank you for taking action,

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

27 May 2014

Today Is the Feast of St. Bede the Venerable:

 Collect of the Mass:
O God, who dost enlighten Thy Church by the learning of blessed Bede, Thy Confessor and Doctor, mercifully grant to Thy servants ever to be enlightened by his wisdom and helped by his merits. Through our Lord 

25 May 2014

Spirituals Gems:

What is the Root Cause of Unhappiness?

Souls are unhappy in so far as they distance themselves from God. My Father's great desire, and Mine, would be to see all souls happy, even on earth. When Our Divine Justice inflicts distress or punishment it is ALWAYS out of Love,  and always to bring souls nearer to God who is their sovereign happiness.

Our Lord to Blessed Dina Belanger

Free Flame of Love books can be ordered in the US at www.flameoflove.us.

Please do forward these Spiritual Gems to your Catholic friends.

You can receive complimentary materials to make your Consecration to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart (important spiritual protection at this time in salvation history) at myconsecration.org... where you can also learn about Our Lady of Las Lajas.

God Bless you and your work,
    Anthony Mullen
    8 St. Albans Avenue
    Newtown Square, PA 19073
    visit us at: www.myconsecration.org

24 May 2014



Dear Friends,

Please sign the petition to bring pressure to bear on western governments to save the life a heavily pregnant, Christian mother, Meriam, who has been condemned by the Sudanese court to suffer a 100 lashes after she has given birth and then to be hung by the neck until dead- all this because she married a Christian man. Her little son of two is in prison with her.

Please sign without delay :

Further information:

Whilst our Western leaders , like William Hague and royalty from the safety and comfort of their homes, boldly rattle their sabres and stir up subversion in those countries that don't subscribe to our divisive, intolerant and perverted political correctness, they turn a blind eye to the really oppressive countries like Saudi Arabia and the Sudan.

 Indeed Barack Obama's half brother, Malik Obama is reported to be,

the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, (IDO), a group created by the government of Sudan....In 2010, Malik Obama attended an IDO conference in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. One of the objectives of the IDO is to spread Wahhabist Islam across the African continent.” [1]

Barack Obama is himself a self- confessed Muslim. [2]

And our royalty and Prince Charles pay fealty to Saudi Arabia and dance [3] with these sword- waving fanatics, whilst mouthing there is no such thing as a “clash of civilisations” [4], claiming  that the violence patently demonstrated by the psychopath and paedophile Mohammed himself is atypical of Islam, [5] in the same way they our governments claim that the violent sexual behaviour espoused by Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Cyril Smith, Boy George and the organisers of London Gay Pride is atypical of homosexuality. 

Please sign the petition, to get our leaders to show moral courage and martial vigour in confronting these bloodthirsty ideologies and false religions. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/278/113/666/


David Skinner

22 May 2014

Please Write:

Dear Friends,
May I urge you to write to Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury who has recently unveiled new guidance on ‘challenging homophobic bullying’ in church schools.
If you wish you can use all or any of my letter below:-

Dear Sir/ Madam,
The Revd Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury has recently unveiled new guidance on ‘challenging homophobic bullying’ in church schools.
He also gave an interview to Pink News, in which he said, “ As you know I have said, and got a fair amount of flak for it within parts of the Church, we have to accept, and quite rightly, that the same-sex marriage act is law, and that it’s right and proper, it’s the law of the land, and that’s great”
In saying this he has placed the doctrine of Stonewall above that of Christianity. He has made its ideology an objective reality whilst reducing Christian morality and values to a cultural eccentricity that has passed its sell- by- date.
He supports the statement made by Ben Summerskill the former chief executive of Stonewall and an erstwhile member of the The Joint Council for Equality and Human Rights (JCEHR) who said in 2006-7, regarding sex education in schools:
In our view there is an important difference between this factual information being imparted in a descriptive way as part of a wide-ranging syllabus about different religions, and a curriculum which teaches a particular religion’s doctrinal beliefs as if they were objectively true. The latter is likely to lead to unjustifiable discrimination”
(paragraph 67)
Having inferred that there are no absolutes objective truths and that they are against discrimination of any kind, they claim it as an objective, absolute human gay right to practice every sexual perversion under the sun whilst discriminating against anyone who dissents against this.
This chimes with Peter Tatchell's gay fascism: “ There are no borders or boundaries when it comes to LGBT human rights. No nationality, no culture, no belief system can stand in the way of the historic quest for LGBT freedom.”
In effect Justin Welby and Stonewall are saying that there is no Authority, either in Heaven or on Earth; neither is there anyone too high, too respected, or so low, or too old, too young, or too frail as to make them immune to investigation, wherever there is the slightest trace of evidence that his, her or their actions or beliefs are perceived to be homophobic.

But Lord Waddington, champion of justice in the UK, in 2009 managed to get a free speech amendment inserted into new legislation outlawing homophobic hatred that now forms section 29JA in the Public Order Act 1986:

In this Part, for the avoidance of doubt, the discussion or criticism of sexual conduct or practices or the urging of persons to refrain from or modify such conduct or practices shall not be taken of itself to be threatening or intended to stir up hatred.”

By Justin Welby saying that even questioning the validity or homosexuality is homophobic, he will give the moral stamp of approval for the Labour party, if they get back into power, ( God forbid) at the next election, to restore the crime of homophobic speech crime which potentially carries a seven year prison sentence.
Justin Welby has also described some gay relationships as being “stunning.” Would he describe the threesome, queer relationship of Bishop Gene Robinson, Mark Andrews and his real wife, Isabella Martin, as stunning when (Imo)gene has just gone through the charade of divorcing his husband? How can one get divorced from something that never existed in reality in the first place?
Would he also describe the civil partnership of Jeffrey John with Grant Holmes as stunning?
One could not find a more holy or stunning couple that that of Jeffrey John , the homosexual dean of St. Albans Abbey and his long standing lover, the rev Grant Holmes . They have married and yet, we are led to believe have solemnly sworn to abstain from any future, sexual activity. This indeed is a beautiful and unearthly marriage, difficult to match even in a heterosexual partnership- but is also a form of gnosticism and denial of God the Creator who ordered that a man cleave to his wife in order to become one flesh.
I just hope that, when and if a homosexual at St. Albans declares that he has finally broken free of the bondage of his habit and is now clothed in his right mind, there is as much celebration and enthusiastic applause- as there surely will be in Heaven - by the cathedral congregation of about 300, over this one sinner who repented, as when Jeffrey John and his partner’s marriage was announced from the pulpit, with the words: "It is a delightful occasion for them both but I am even more pleased that the congregation reacted so warmly and arranged a reception after the main service to toast their good health." It is more than likely that such a repentant sinner would be rushed off to Stonewall's HQ for diversity and anti – homophobia re-processing or even to a secure, psychiatric unit.
Indeed Justin Welby has given his blessing to the persecution of anyone who even attempts to escape from the bondage and slavery of homosexuality.

But the more holy and “stunning” these exotic relationships appear, the more grotesque they become to root -and -branch LGBTs who would view them as being eroto -phobic and examples of repression by Neanderthal Christian values and morality.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” - Isaiah 5: 20.
The guidance on ‘challenging homophobic bullying,’ which is to be sent all Church of England schools, begins by quoting the Archbishop: “The Church is not changing its teaching on gay relationships but we must accept that there is a revolution in the area of sexuality.” The report goes on to recommend that schools should recognise a category of ‘homophobic bullying’ in their anti-bullying strategies.
He signed the Church of England up to the creation of a more kind, tolerant, diverse and inclusive Stonewallian society, where the slightest demur towards homosexuality is regarded on the same level as genocide.
But only a fiend in hell would allow the influence of Stonewall into our schools in order to peddle “ a revolution in the area of sexuality” that leads- if not to an early death- to a whole menu of sexually transmitted diseases.

The UK’s syphilis epidemic is largely concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM), and to a lesser extent, heterosexual men and women.” http://www.avert.org/stds-uk.htm#sthash.TiY4HhhP.dpuf

Sexually transmitted infection rates in England drop for the first time in a decade - but continue to rise in gay men.”


... the number of people living with diagnosed HIV has risen year on year, with an increase in number of new diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) and people born in high prevalence countries.
Added/updated: 29 January 2013
Some staggering statistics
Madam would you like your little child to learn all about the joys of homosexual behaviour?”
Oh, I just want!!!” ( I hardly think so)
Justin Welby is guilty of placing Godless legislation, forced through by Cameron, in 2013 above the law of God and the Christian -based legislation of our ancestors, such as that established by King Alfred, the Magna Carta, The Bill of Rights 1689 and the Coronation Oath. All these have protected our nation from tyrants who would seek to overthrow the rule of Jesus Christ and enslave the British people -------until now.
No (government) may presume to traitorously or maliciously imagine or contrive the enslaving or destroying of the English nation, and expect impunity for so doing.”- John Cooke 1649.
I am yours sincerely
David Skinner
I urge you to write to the Archbishop of Canterbury and make your views known, by writing to his pa at:

David Skinner