22 December 2011

Afternoon Thoughts-Think About What Is:

"Whatever is true... whatever is lovely... whatever is right... think about such things..." Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
I've decided that pre-lit Christmas trees are a modern marvel. Three parts of a tree insert together. Three plugs connect into each other, into the wall and voila! An instant, gorgeous, perfectly balanced display! Can you hear the angels singing?
Except of course when it doesn't ...light up, that is.
The day after Thanksgiving, we hauled our Christmas treasures down from the attic; dragged them into the house, box by box. Anticipation ran high as Christmas carols and cinnamon candles filled the air. Two girls and their single momma were excited to get our house all Christmas-y.
The tree was first. Bottom section, check. Middle section, check. Tiny pointed top section - all in place. Plug A into B into C and ... tada! Well, almost.
It was a 'tada!' moment except for three pesky branches that remained dark. Cords were plugged and re-plugged. Still dark. Branches were jiggled and bulbs tested. No lights.
The type A' perfectionist in me was completely frustrated, and it felt like my Christmas cheer was being sucked down a black hole of disappointment. It was a simple thing, yet in that moment the tree symbolized the many areas of my life that were dark, filled with disappointment and out of my control.
My then thirteen year old squinted at the tree, tilted her head and forever changed my perspective with these simple words: "Momma, I know! Don't look at those branches that are dark. Just look at the branches that are lit."
Hmmm, I thought. Looking at the lit branches only, I was reminded of Paul's words today in Philippians 4:8, which encourage us to find what is true and lovely and think on those things.
Sure enough, when I concentrated on the twinkling lights, the areas of darkness seemed to disappear. When focused on the working lights, they were so bright, the darkened parts didn't matter much.
It was a great Christmas tree lesson, but one I knew Jesus wanted me to apply in my life too. I have my own dark branches that include widowhood, family health struggles and financial challenges. But lighting my way are other branches overflowing with love - His love and the love of my family. I also have friends, a house to live in, two precious girls to kiss goodnight, flavored coffee, fluffy pillows. The list goes on and on - if I focus on what I have instead of what I don't.
This Christmas, let's purpose together to look at the branches that are lit in our lives instead of thinking on those that aren't.
We will always have things we wish were different. But we also have a choice to concentrate on what isn't or think about what is. Instead of bemoaning our life's lack of Hallmark perfection, let's focus on the lit branches: things like love, sacrifice, time and togetherness.
Instead of heaping more on our to-do list, or trying to achieve an elusive Christmas ideal, let's choose to see the blessings we do have. And if we squint our eyes just right and tilt our heads, life looks pretty bright after all.
Dear Lord, thank You for simple illustrations that help us to see Your truth. You are the light of the world and our hope for the future. Please help me see the things that 'shine' in my life instead of dwelling on the darkness. In Jesus' Name, Amen.(Danita Dalton Hiles)

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