30 December 2011


December 29, 2011
Help our apostolate for Catholic Tradition: Forward-to-a-Friend


Debate about Vatican II: Fr. Gleize responds to Msgr. Ocariz
On at least 4 points, the teachings of Vatican II are obviously in logical contradiction to the pronouncements of the previous traditional Magisterium, so that it is impossible to interpret them in keeping with the other teachings already contained in the earlier documents of the Church’s Magisterium... DICI NEWS 12-29-2011

Switzerland: A Bishop Takes a Stand against Sexual Education at School and Relativizes Human Rights
The bishop denounces the ideology of equality without discrimination as to sexual orientation, along with the Gender Ideology... DICI NEWS 12-29-2011

Quebec: No more crib before the Hotel de Ville in Mont-Royal
Mont-Royal, a municipality surrounded by the city of Montreal, will no longer display Christmas religious symbols. The repeated requests of the Muslim community wishing to place their own religious symbols in front of the Hotel de Ville de Mont-Royal during the Christmas holidays precipitated the decision... DICI NEWS 12-29-2011

Tinotenda Mwari: SSPX newsletter from Zimbabwe
December 2011 newsletter which details recent civil news from the country, pictures of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais' visit, parish news and more! 12-29-2011

Walton's The Man Who Was Thursday
Assumption Academy in Walton, KY recently hosted a production of G.K. Chesterton’s immortal classic, The Man Who Was Thursday, based on Orson Welles’s 1938 radio production. The play was staged as an actual period radio show complete with in-house sound effects... 12-29-2011

Pastor's Corner: Christmas Abroad
These snapshots from around the world should be reason enough for us to thank Our Lord for coming to earth on Christmas Day... 12-23-2011

Superior General's Letter to Friends & Benefactors, #79
Indeed, it seems to us that the basis for the current problem can be summed up as a loss of faith in the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh! Of course many people protest that they believe that Jesus is God, but very few... 12-22-2011

Interview with Mother Mary Emmanuel; A cloistered Dominican: “prisoners of the Divine Love and yet infinitely free
"We must demythologize our monastic life: our cloisters are not places where one does not eat, or does not sleep, or where one freezes to death after being killed by work! On the contrary, our lives are accessible, simple, overflowing with supernatural joy and utterly balanced…" 12-22-2011

Kateri Tekakwitha: miracle approved
We joyfully report that a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha has been approved by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome... 12-22-2011

La Salette Academy scores big with local sports writer
The overall respect and sportsmanship demonstrated by the La Salette student body is truly unparalleled in the thousands of high school games I've seen. It's one thing to see exemplary conduct from two or three individuals, quite another to see it from each and ever spectator... 12-22-2011

Queen of Angels Academy jog-a-thon
Queen of Angels Academy in Dickinson, TX held a fundraising jog-a-thon on November 19 at the Santa Fe Junior High School track... 12-22-2011

Southern Sentinel Dec 2011 newsletter from Holy Cross Seminary in Goulburn, Australia
Highlights seminary's engagements to SSPX and taking of the cassock...
Puer Natus Est Christmas CD
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Schola & Polyphonic Choir

This Christmas let the schola and polyphonic choir of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary lift your heart and mind to the contemplation of the Christ Child. This new recording offers a real taste of the liturgical spirit of Christmas as understood and communicated by some of the finest composers of the Church's musical tradition... read more (stas.org) >

All profits go to the new seminary project in Virginia.
watch the video at sspx.org >

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