"Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon." Philippians 4:5 (NLT)
I usually cringe at generalizations ... stereotypes. Lumping an entire group of people into a confining box.
Like "The ________ (nationality) are so
________ (bad character trait)" or "Those ________ (age group) all are
so ________ (strange habit or behavior)."
However, every once in a while a compliment is paid in the lumping.
Recently, as I waited in line at a coffee
house, a frail, elderly woman stood in front of me ordering a meal. She
seemed distressed as she fumbled for her change, paid the worker, and
then gathered up her bag of food and her drink. As she headed for the
door, her large purse began swinging off of her shoulder, nearly
knocking her, and all of her lunch, to the floor.
"Oh ... how am I going to do this? Oh my ...
oh dear ... I can't ..." she mumbled to herself, trying to shift her
weight and her cargo while pushing open the door at the same time.
Though I'd just finally reached the front of
the line, God used today's key verse to tap me on the heart and shift my
momentary schedule. I quickly hopped out of line.
"Here, let me get that for you," I uttered as
I held the door open and steadied her drink. "Would you like me to
carry your food to your car?"
She stopped in her tracks, her bright blue
eyes looking up at me with gratefulness. "Oh dear ... you must have a
grandmother living that you're so kind to an old woman."
"No ma'am, I don't," I answered. "I just love Jesus and He wants me to help you."
Her face softened. She shook her head and
decidedly declared. "Of course! You people have always been so helpful
to me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
You people. I'm pretty sure she meant, "You Christians."
She didn't align herself with Christians
saying, "Thank you for helping a sister out." No, she referred to me-and
others who loved Jesus-as "you people."
It made me wonder, how had other Christians
helped her? Did they take her a meal? Rake her yard in the fall or
shovel her driveway in the winter? Had they driven her to a doctor's
It reminded me of the age-old truth: more is caught than taught. And it demonstrated to me that people are watching.
And lumping.
What do they see? Do they see us being considerate in all we do?
Sadly, I have been told the following:
By a waitress: "Christians are the worst tippers, especially after a Sunday supper out. Sometimes they leave no money at all."
By an acquaintance in college: "You're a
Christian? Do you stand in front of the science building and scream
Bible verses, telling people they're going to hell for believing in
By a teenager: "I tried going to church once.
There was a sign on the front door that said 'All are welcome, but
please dress appropriately.' I didn't know what appropriately meant, but
I knew it wasn't me. So I turned around and left."
If people are watching and all they see are uncaring or condemning Christians, why would they want to become one?
My prayer today is that we, as
Christ-followers, will be lumped in the "you people" group my sweet
coffee house friend saw. Considerate Christians who make God and His
body of believers look good.
Sure, believers already know He is good. But others? They are watching. And lumping. What will they see in you?
Dear Lord, forgive me for the times I
choose condemnation over love; rudeness over kindness; or decide to do
nothing rather than do the right thing. Please prompt my heart and
interrupt my momentary schedule so my actions accurately reflect who You
are. In Jesus' Name, Amen.(Karen Ehman)
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