March 23, 2012
While you are reading this, women and children cower inside rubble-strewn buildings in Syria, listening to artillery shells and praying that one will not fall upon them. The world watches helplessly and politicians talk.
While you are reading this, the world economy sinks ever deeper into a morass of debt. Bailouts are no longer possible. There is no more money. We are facing the abyss.
While you are reading this, more nuclear weapons are being made. The superpowers are facing off over Iran. Will Israel attack in the spring? Will the United States attack? What will Russia and China do?
We could go on, for the list of crises is long. But the list of solutions short — very short. In fact, there is only one solution: Listen to and obey Our Lady of Fatima!
This is why we are going to Rome from May 13 to May 18 to convene "Fatima: Your Last Chance!" The world's Fatima experts, 17 bishops so far, and as many as 200 priests, if we can help them get there, will come to Rome to learn about the only chance for world peace: Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
You are invited to join us for this historic event. The more people come to Rome for "Fatima: Your Last Chance!", the more the Vatican will take notice. And the greater is the chance that action will at long last be taken!
If you have already received an invitation and are as yet undecided, please, DECIDE NOW! Come to Rome! There is no greater contribution you can make to world peace, to the healing of our Church, and to the safety and salvation of your children and grandchildren than to pray, work and promote every way possible obedience to Our Lady of Fatima's solemn requests.
This year, we will be broadcasting our conference on TV in Rome and on the Internet worldwide. For those who cannot come to Rome, the conference can be seen at www.tww.tvprograms"Fatima: Your Last Chance!" will be a truly global event!
Our Lady's Apostolate is entering a new era, with media tools we never before possessed. This new outreach has been very expensive indeed, but how can we calculate the loss of the soul, the annihilation of a nation? This is what we are desperately trying to prevent.
Our booklet, The Only Way to World Peace, explains why it is necessary for the Church to listen to Our Lady of Fatima and do precisely what She asks. Our Lady promises us so much — world peace and the salvation of our souls — in exchange for so little. Let us accept Her generous offer.
So Please join us in this great work of mercy. Show your love for Our Lady by coming to Rome, by offering your prayers, by lending this apostolate whatever financial support you are able to provide.
The time is short. Many dire things have been predicted for the year 2012. Let us hope that this year will bring something unexpectedly wonderful: Our Lady's Final Triumph!
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