30 March 2012


March 29, 2012
Help our apostolate for Catholic Tradition: Forward-to-a-Friend
 Help our apostolate for Catholic Tradition: Forward-to-a-Friend

20 more subdeacons!
20 more subdeacons!
Sitientes Saturday fell on March 24th this year, and we have two brief reports to give from the SSPX’s seminaries in the United States and Switzerland... 3-29-2012

Holy Week ceremonies notes: get them here!
Holy Week ceremonies notes: get them here!
Now available are altar serving notes for Holy WeekThese ceremonial notes offer many practical tips that will be valuable for priests, sacristans, and choir masters... 3-29-2012
Cardinal supports homosexuality in new book
Cardinal supports homosexuality in new book
Cardinal Martini documented in a new book his opposition to Catholic moral teaching on the subject of same-gender marriages as well as homosexuality in general: "I disagree with the positions of those in the Church"... 3-29-2012
Misreporting about Vatican’s cancellation of stem cell talk
Misreporting about Vatican’s cancellation of stem cell talk
Most news agencies are citing either a "lack of participation" or "lack of funding" for the cancellation. But the reality is that several complaints were lodged from within and without the Pontifical Academy... 3-29-2012
Communiqué from the SSPX's General House
Communiqué from the SSPX's General House
Since the meeting on March 16 with Cardinal Levada, Bishop Fellay has urgently been inviting the faithful to redouble their fervor in prayer and their generosity in making sacrifices during these Holy Days of Lent... 3-29-2012 DICI NEWS
Join the Rosary Crusade
April-Sept 1,454,063 | Oct 334,882 | Nov 280,913 | Dec 290,877 January 275,896 | February 19,9946 | Grand total: 2,836,577
Pastor's Corner: More on the Battle of the Leaders: State vs. Church
Pastor's Corner: More on the Battle of the Leaders: State vs. Church
We are clearly pleased to see the United States’ bishops as a group raising their voices for what sounds like a crusade against the powers that be, making use of what little bit of freedom we are still afforded in this godless age... 3-23-2012
USA has 3 dioceses filled in one day
USA has 3 dioceses filled in one day
In a rare occurrence for the United States, three vacant American diocesan sees were filled on a single day this week, Tuesday, March 20... 3-22-2012
St. Patrick's Day Party in Ft. Wayne
St. Patrick's Day Party in Ft. Wayne
Approximately 100 people attended Mass followed by a potluck dinner which featured Irish foods, especially Shepherd's Pie...3-22-2012
Letter to the Friends of Nigeria, March 2012
Letter to the Friends of Nigeria, March 2012
First Mass in Enugu: A missionary always feels something special when he celebrates his first Mass in his new mission. He arrives in a new country, not necessarily beautiful. Alas, here as everywhere else, original sin has brought its terrible consequences. And this is the main reason for why he comes... 3-21-2012 
Pastor's Corner: UK proposes to legalize same-gender marriage
Pastor's Corner: UK proposes to legalize same-gender marriage
Up to now, we had a unified vision of the human person [based on the unity of the body and soul in man]... 3-16-2012
Vatican communiqué about SSPX's reply to Doctrinal Preamble
Vatican communiqué about SSPX's reply to Doctrinal Preamble
Pursuant to the decision made by Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Fellay was, in a letter delivered today, informed of the evaluation of his response... 3-16-2012
Spain: Statue of the Virgin of Lepanto has been found
Spain: Statue of the Virgin of Lepanto has been found
The statue of the Blessed Virgin that was on board the royal Galley commanded by Don Juan of Austria, King Philip II of Spain’s half-brother, during the battle of Lepanto, has been found... 3-15-2012 DICI NEWS
Catholic Tradition in Africa, #9
Catholic Tradition in Africa, #9
A land of hope: Kenya: "Kenya has recently been a major news story. Kidnappings, murders and the famine in the north of the country have been in the headlines of many newspapers. Then Kenya disappeared from the front pages to make room for other more sensational events - the news must always be new..." 3-15-2012 
Southern Sentinel; March 2012
Southern Sentinel March 2012 newsletter from Holy Cross Seminary in Goulburn, Australia
More summer news from the SSPX's "down under" seminary...

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