7 June 2012

The Choice-Driven Life - Linda Couri:

The Choice-Driven Life - Linda Couri.  Director of Lay Ministry Formation
 for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, Friday 8th June 7pm in
 the Conference Room, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street SW1P 1QN 
(behind Westminster Cathedral). A former Planned Parenthood employee 
with experience on abortion issues, Linda Couri will present
an inside:
perspective on the Pro-Choice mindset. She will address the values, goals
 and motivations behind the Pro-Choice movement and offer suggestions 
on how Christians might best respond to them.  Linda is now a sought-after
 pro-life speaker with unique insights to share.
Advance booking essential - contact cathmacgillivray@rcdow.org.uk or phone Catherine 020 7931 6064. Entrance fee: £5.

We hope to record the talk which is likely to be posted here.

Helpers of God's Precious Infants
09th June 2012, Brixton, London
Procession & Prayer Vigil

Below is the programme of the prayer processions (check the printable posters below for exact details as times may vary):
9.00am Mass at the local church
9.45am Prayerful and peaceful procession to the abortion facility
11.30pm Return of procession
12.00pm Break for tea & get together; please bring packed lunch (Thanks to Richard-Linen On The Hedgerow:here)

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