5 June 2012

Coalition For Marriage:

Dear Friends

Coalition for Marriage call!

Once more into the breach….

The government’s Equality Minister, Lynne Featherstone [1] and Teresa May, the Home Secretary [2] claim that the public are in favour of gay marriage and that it will be forced through the statute books without the need for a either a public referendum or debate in Parliament.  We know that this message is a lie and this is not what the public want. Therefore, we need to send a strong message to them that “it ain’t over yet”- and never will be!

The end of the sham Same Sex Marriage consultation is 14 June, yet we know that the C4M petition http://c4m.org.uk/ asking for natural and traditional marriage to be protected from being aborted has only reached a proportion (so far nearly 550,000 signatures) of the potential millions who have still to make their voices heard.


There are a number of ways the 550,000 signatures must reach a million:
1. Sign it ourselves.
2. Forward this email to others.
3. Get our churches to sign the paper petition.
4. Reach over 9 million married men and women in Britain, who are bearing and raising their own children; many of whom are not churchgoers and who may not have had the opportunity of signing the petition, by simply putting a leaflet (sample attached) through their door with the online petition details printed on it: http://c4m.org.uk/

The beauty of this A5 leaflet produced by SPUC (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children - see attachment) is that the petition becomes accessible to far more people and allows them direct access to the C4M web site. Just phone 020 7091 7091 to order a bundle and get your church or friends involved in delivering them.  I have delivered 750 through letter boxes and asked five other people to deliver 50 each in their locality.  Whilst delivering these, consider carrying a paper petition in case you get involved in dialogue.  Plus, we could ask people the following questions; these could even become a separate leaflet:

Do you want
·        marriage to be re-defined to include an ever expanding rainbow of diverse sexual relationships, including incest?  Bisexuals, who are part of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual) acronym, can register their marriages in Holland [3] and a transgender/transsexual women (letter T in LGBT) has had her marriage to a women recognised in Britain [4]?
Do you want
·        the destruction of family roots and the identities of husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt and grandparent to be airbrushed out of the language and all legal documents ?
Do you want
·        the complete breakdown of any moral code in marriage because the necessary considerations of consummation, adultery and life-long commitment are to be taken out of marriage vows and legally binding agreements, in order to accommodate gays who do not want to limit themselves to what they consider as out of date and restrictive morality?
Do you want
·        the state compulsorily teaching children at an early, formative stage of their lives - as young as four, that all manner of sexual behaviours and relationships can be experimented with, as described in the Terrance Higgins publications, without serious physical, emotional and social harm coming to them?
Do you want
·     one day for the state to take away your children and put them into “care” because you are teaching them about purity within natural marriage?
Do you want
·        to live in fear of being publically humiliated, losing your job, having your business shut down, being arrested, fined and even physically attacked because you refuse to recognise that homosexuality is either natural or good?
Do you want
·        your children to be sexually abused as all sexual constraints are done away with?

Allow the gay lobby to present themselves[5]
Even those in the Conservative Party who have formerly claimed to speak up for marriage and family, like Iain Duncan Smith, appear to have crumpled under the thrall of the gay lobby.  The Gay Newspaper, Pink News has reported that:

“The most senior Catholic in the British Government, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, has confirmed that he will be supporting Prime Minister David Cameron's pledge to introduce equal civil marriage for gay and lesbian couples. In what appears to be an apparent remarkable evolution of his own personal approach to LGBT rights, he pointed out that in a country where so many heterosexual couples are breaking up; marriage equality is a positive method of creating a more stable society." [6]

Freedom of speech is almost gone in Britain. Use the little that remains to send a clear message to the government that we will not bed the knee to tyrants.

‘Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.’ Bonhoeffer

‘All that evil needs to triumph is for good men to keep silent.’ Edmund Burke

David Skinner
5 June 2012

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