7 June 2012

SSPX-A Special Request:

A special request from Fr. Rostand:
Help us get 3500 new subscribers by June 11th and
every subscriber gets 15% off any Angelus Press purchase!
Dear friend and faithful reader,
As you are no doubt aware, we are in an important time for the Church and our dear Society of St. Pius X. Led by our Superior General, Bishop Fellay, we continue the battle for Catholic Tradition, following the path laid out by our venerable founder, Archbishop Lefebvre.
We are committed to making sure that you receive updates and news about the Society in general and especially about Rome and the SSPX. But most importantly we are committed to giving you verifiable, accurate information about the events at this historic time.
All of which brings me to my point: I need your help.
We want to make sure that as many Catholics as possible receive official Society announcements and news directly from us. The goal is to make sure that you, and your friends and family, receive timely and truthful information. This is why I’m asking you to send this email to at least 5 of your friends and family, asking them to subscribe to our free updates list.
As a way of saying thanks for your help, we have teamed up with Angelus Press to bring you a special offer. If we can add 3,500 new subscribers to our updates list by midnight of Monday, June 11, 2012, we will send every subscriber on our updates list a special promo code, giving them 15% off their next purchase from Angelus Press!
So here's what you do. E-mail any friends or family members who you think may be interested in our updates and encourage them to sign-up at www.sspx.org/subscribe.htm - let them also know about Angelus Press' special offer, so they can tell their friends too!
So remember: if we achieve our goal of 3,500 new subscribers by midnight of Monday, June 11, 2012, Angelus Press will give 15% off to anyone who is on our updates list before the deadline.
In advance, thank you for helping our website to provide accurate information about the Society of St. Pius X to as many people as possible!
With my blessing and prayers,
Fr. Arnaud Rostand,
SSPX USA District Superior

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