A sailor was shipwrecked on a desert island and was captured by some of natives. They carried him off on their shoulders to their village, where he was sure he would end up being the main course. But instead, they put a crown on his head and made him king.
He was enjoying all the attention he was receiving but was growing a little suspicious. He started making inquiries and discovered that their custom was to crown a stranger king for a year and then send him to a deserted island where he would to starve to death.
Obviously, this plan did not appeal to the sailor. Since he was the king and the natives obeyed his every order, he ordered them to ship supplies to the island where he would eventually be sent. He had them clear the land and build him a hut and plant enough vegetables and fruits for an adequate garden. When he was finally banned to the deserted island, he lived in abundance.
How are we using the good gifts God has given us? Wealth and authority can be dangerous -- or they can be a blessing. They can be used to destroy and tear down, or to store up good things in heaven. The choice is ours.
Let's ask the Lord to help us to be wise stewards of all God's gifts to us, that we might not end up being rich on earth and poor with God. (George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah)
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