17 October 2013

Christian Concern-BREAKING CASE NEWS: Gay group flouts court ruling on bus ads:

The two bus adverts. Top: the
proposed core issues advert.
Bottom: the Stonewall advert.
A gay pressure group has ignored a recent ruling from the High Court by re-running adverts on London buses which violate Transport for London (TfL) guidelines.

Stonewall is displaying adverts on London buses which read: “Some people are gay. Get over it!” even though a High Court Judge ruled in March that the adverts didn’t comply with TfL’s guidelines.


Core Issues Trust, a Christian charity which seeks to help those with unwanted feelings of same sex attraction, tried to run adverts in response to the Stonewall ones back in April 2012. The proposed wording for the adverts read: “Not gay! Ex-gay, post-gay and proud. Get over it!” But TfL refused to put them on buses.

Now TfL has allowed Stonewall to re-run its adverts on London buses for a second time during the month of October (having refused to allow Core Issues Trust's adverts last year) as part of a nationwide campaign.

Judicial review

The High Court Judge granted leave to appeal after the hearing in March. The Core Issues Trust v Transport for London case will go before the Master of the Rolls on 9 and/or 10 December 2013.

Core Issues Trust is now seeking an emergency judicial review of TfL’s decision to allow Stonewall’s adverts to be run. They will be seeking an interim injunction pending the hearing in December, which would prevent the adverts from being displayed on the buses. The Christian Legal Centre is supporting Core Issues Trust.


Andrea Minichiello Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, explained why this action is being taken:

“Stonewall’s actions show a blatant disregard for the law. The High Court’s judgment in March was clear that Stonewall’s adverts were offensive and should not be displayed on the buses. To then go and put them on buses again before the Master of the Rolls has settled the matter is provocative and shows that Stonewall thinks it is above and beyond the law.

“Stonewall has a track record of using the law and the decisions of the courts to push its own agenda. But when a court makes a decision which is not to Stonewall’s liking, as in this case, it ploughs on regardless with its agenda, showing contempt for the rule of law in the process.

“TfL has  aided and abetted Stonewall in this. TfL was also aware of the ruling that the adverts did not comply with its own guidelines and yet allowed them on buses for a second time.

“In the face of Stonewall’s provocative actions we have decided to take this step and seek a judicial review and injunction.”

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1 comment:

  1. Hypocrisy from TfL, and I expect the Mayor of London would condone the new ads also.
