25 September 2011

Afternoon Thoughts:

How Generous Is God? 
Xealots Our understanding of God shapes our identity. He inspires our actions. If you view God as one who favors you, your perspective likely will be one of abundance, regardless of your circumstances. Because you know that your heavenly Father wants to ridiculously bless you with every good and perfect gift, your love will generously overflow toward others. The abundance I am referring to is more than a material overflow. It's a quality of existence. A healthy understanding of who God is will lead to a qualitatively better life. Some questions to wrestle with are: How do I see God? Do I live in fear of God? Am I constantly seeking his favor, living to earn his approval? Do I bask in his extravagant love? Does his love empower and change the way I live?
If you tend to see God as distant, reluctant to release his generosity, you probably have developed a lifestyle that is centered on preservation. It's easy, then, to become risk averse. You may find you are constantly anxious, worried about not having enough resources. You see the world through a lens of scarcity. Take a moment to compare your perception with what Jesus teaches in Matthew 7:9-11. In this passage, Jesus admonishes us to have a more accurate picture of the Father, as one who generously gives good gifts to his children. "You parents — if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."
What is your perception of God today? Is he the Father who loves you? Is he generous? Does he lavish gifts upon you? Or do you see the world as a place of scarcity, in which you have to compete for favor and attention, seeking to supply your own needs?
-Xealots: Defying the Gravity of Normality, by Dave Gibbons

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