12 May 2012

Coalition For Marriage:



Dear marriage supporter,
The Government's computer system has 'blocked' over 40 per cent of the responses to its consultation sent by C4M supporters via our website form. Today's Daily Telegraph reports on the problem.
The Government claims it is an "IT glitch" caused by the sheer number of responses being sent in. The level of opposition to the proposal has obviously overwhelmed them.
We notified the Government's consultation team of the problem on Tuesday (8 May), but it's still not properly fixed - even though our technical advisors say it is easy to resolve.
We are urging the Government to fix the problem swiftly to ensure a fair and open consultation process. It is unprofessional and unacceptable that they have acted so slowly in addressing it.
If you have submitted a response and received a notice saying "mail delivery failed", don't worry. Your response hasn't been lost. It will be retrieved and the Government's consultation team have given an undertaking that they will accept it. You don't need to re-submit a response.
If you have not yet sent your response and would like to do so, you can still use our online form. A proportion of people may receive a "mail delivery failed" notice, but those responses will be retrieved and dealt with as stated above. You don't need to do anything further.
We hope the Government consultation team will fix the problem soon. We will keep you informed.

Please help us keep going

Many of the organisations that favour redefining marriage have substantial financial resources, and they have the backing of their friends in the media and the political parties.
We have 500,000 of you - ordinary people who care a great deal about marriage and its place in our society.
Make your donation to show your support for marriage.
Please give £20, £50, £100 or whatever you can afford, and together we can save the meaning of marriage.
Yours sincerely,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
Campaign Director
Coalition for Marriage

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