10 May 2012


Dear marriage supporter,
  • Is the Government wavering? Please help us to keep going Is the Government wavering?
    The Government is sending mixed messages about whether it will press ahead with plans to redefine marriage. One thing is for sure: they have been rocked by the level of public opposition.
    Many backbench MPs and one Government minister said redefining marriage was a factor in the parties' poor showing in the local elections. The plans for redefining marriage were not included in the Queen's Speech, but we expected that.
    Media reports last weekend suggested that the Government was putting its plans to redefine marriage on the backburner. Senior politicians made it known privately, and the Chancellor George Osborne strongly hinted to the BBC, that the plans would be put on hold.
    But others including the Equalities Minister, Lynne Featherstone (a Liberal Democrat), say it is full steam ahead. No matter what you read in the papers, the Government is still officially committed to redefining marriage.
    So where does this leave us? We cannot relax. We must press on to make the case for marriage, and continue to urge the Government not to redefine it. But we can be pleased that, together, we are being an effective influence upon the Government. We must keep going.

    Please help us keep going

    Our opponents have inside help from the main political parties. They have the support of friends in the media. They are backed by powerful elites. But we have the support of half a million of you - the great British public.
    Our campaign is only 12 weeks old. We have already achieved so much. We will not be here today, gone tomorrow. We are in this for the duration. It will be a marathon, not a sprint. We need your help to keep going.
    What will marriage mean when your children or grandchildren get married? Will it still mean what it means today: the voluntary lifelong union of one man to one woman? Or will it mean something different?
    Make your donation a wedding gift for future generations.
    Please give £20, £50, £100 or whatever you can afford, and together we can save the meaning of marriage.
    Yours sincerely,
    Colin Hart
    Colin Hart
    Campaign Director
    Coalition for Marriage

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