12 May 2012

Our Lady's Electronic Press Release: May 11, 2012:

Quo Vadis?
Where Is Peter Going?
All Roads Now Lead To Fatima

May 11, 2012
     There is an apocryphal story that St. Peter was fleeing Rome to avoid persecution when he saw Our Lord heading in the opposite direction and asked Him, “Quo vadis?” (Where are you going?)
     Our Lord said He was going to Rome to be crucified again, this time to take Peter’s place. At this, St. Peter turned around and headed back to the city, ready to meet his martyrdom with joy, knowing the Lord was with him.
     We are not concerned with the historicity of the story, but with its meaning, especially in the present Church crisis. St. Peter’s question to Jesus was redirected to St. Peter: Where are you going?
     It is the question every successor of Peter must ask himself. Indeed, it is the question every Catholic must ask himself: Where am I going? What is my ultimate destination?
     From May 13 to May 18, “Fatima: Your Last Chance!” will convene in Rome to respectfully pose this question to Pope Benedict: Holy Father, where are you going?
     There is an ancient saying: “Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia.” It means wherever Peter is, there is the Church. Where Peter leads, the Church will follow.
     Our Lady of Fatima has made a direct request of the Holy Father and the bishops: Consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart.
     So far, as author and conference speaker John Salza will discuss, 7 Popes have failed to lead the bishops in performing this simple act of consecration that comes with a wonderful promise: the conversion of Russia and world peace.
     This seems incredible, incomprehensible, but it is nevertheless true.
     Our Lady sealed the authenticity of Fatima with a spectacular public miracle — The Miracle of the Sun — witnessed by 70,000 people. And two of the three Fatima seers have been beatified.
     If the Church accepts the authenticity of Fatima and the holiness of its messengers, as it does, why balk at the consecration? This is a question that “Fatima: Your Last Chance!” will ask.
     Our Lady’s Apostolate is prepared to ask this question plainly and forcefully because we love the Pope and the Church. We want the Holy Father and the bishops to save themselves and us by doing the only thing still in their power: Obey Our Lady.
     We are going to Rome from May 13-18 for “Fatima: Your Last Chance!” to stress the urgency of the consecration. We all know in our hearts that the world is beyond saving by any man-made solutions. Heaven’s help is the only thing that will avail.
     And we can have Heaven’s help. It is waiting for us. Waiting for the Holy Father to take the lead.
     So we are going to Rome to pose the age-old yet ever more pressing question: “Quo vadis?”
     Please join us if you can. It is not too late. We want to show the Holy Father that we are with him and that the time for delaying the consecration is past.
     If you can’t come to the conference, please pray for its success. You can watch it on www.fatima.org or on our new TV internet site, http://fatimatvworldwide.twww.tv/?onair
     And if you can help with the enormous cost of this conference, please don’t hesitate. All of our hope rests with Our Lady.

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