26 February 2013

Afternoon Thoughts-Be inFLUential!:

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 

As most of you know, we've been on a speaking tour throughout the United States during the past month, and have been preaching throughout the country in the midst of flu season. This past weekend the flu finally broke down my immunity and seriously knocked me out. But after a few days of battling, I'm starting to feel better. Influenza is a nasty virus that has the ability to replicate extremely quickly and once it establishes a foothold, rapidly gains a stronghold within the body. You may guess where I'm going with this personal illustration.

The enemy of our souls is constantly looking for footholds in our lives -- so that he can turn them into strongholds, and compromise or even destroy our effectiveness and inFLUence for the Lord! We need to be constantly on guard to maintain our spiritual immunity, keeping close accounts with the Lord about any sins committed, and being watchful and prayerful, and filled with His Spirit. Just as physical immunity protects us from the constant presence of invading microbes, spiritual immunity protects us from the constant attacks of unseen dark powers. And just as there are many powerful ways to enhance and protect our physical immune system, there are numerous spiritual recommendations to keep our spirits healthy and safe.

Prayer is a powerful protection; thinking and believing and acting on the scriptures is another. Worship with music, fellowship with other believers, quiet contemplation in a natural setting....all these will build spiritual immunity, and protect you from the "spiritual flu", protecting your inFLUence for the Kingdom of God.

During this season when the "flu" is flying everywhere, my prayer is for you to be wise and protected, both physically, AND spiritually. Rather than succumbing to the noxious physical and spiritual inFLUences around you, your powerful immunity will ensure that you will inFLUence the world around you....to the glory of your wonderful Lord!(George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah)

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