Dear Friend in Christ,
We are well into Winter now, and with depressing news about the economy's contraction last quarter and the expense of Christmas, it can be very difficult to find extra money. This makes it all-but-impossible to donate to worthy organization as much as we might like.
This is why we are pleased to tell you about a great way you can support ChurchMilitant.TV without spending a single penny!
Please take a few minutes to watch this video. If you or a friend are planning to buy or sell any sort of real estate - a house, apartment, commercial property, shop, factory or log cabin in the woods - please use Real Estate For Life. It costs you NOTHING but if you use Real Estate For Life not only will you get a top-class real estate agent with years of experience, but he will donate a portion of his commission to ChurchMilitant.TV to help us with our mission.
This costs you nothing, but it the commission can make a world of difference to us.
If you are not in the real estate market right now, please pass this to friends or family who are, and remember Real Estate For Life for all your real estate needs.
GOD Bless you and your loved ones,
Michael Voris
~senior executive producer at ChurchMilitant.TV

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