26 March 2013

Christian Concern:

Prayer Alert: Two Crucial Marriage Cases at US Supreme Court

Please join us in praying for two important cases that will be heard by the US Supreme Court today and tomorrow. 

Marriage & California

Today, the Court will consider California's 'Proposition 8' amendment to its Constitution. The proposition stated that "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California" and was adopted by the State after Californian voters backed it by 52% to 48% in a state-wide ballot in 2008.

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However, the amendment has since been challenged in the US Courts. So today, in the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the highest Court in the US will examine whether the definition is consistent with the Constitution of the United States. If the Court finds that it is not, then same-sex 'marriage' will again be permitted in California. 

The State of California has chosen not to defend the amendment. Instead a coalition of groups, under the banner 'Protect Marriage' will argue that Californians who supported the amendment did so 'in good faith' to uphold the traditional understanding of marriage, for the benefit of children and society. The coalition's advocate will highlight that marriage is "inextricably linked to the objective biological fact that opposite-sex couples and only such couples are capable of creating new life together and, therefore, are capable of furthering, or threatening, society's existential interests in responsible procreation and childbearing." 

President Obama's Administration has filed a brief with the court arguing that the amendment defending marriage should be struck down.

Marriage & the United States

Then tomorrow the US Supreme Court will review the federal 'Defense of Marriage Act' (DOMA) which defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 2008 but has since been overturned by various US federal and appeals courts.

If the Court strikes down the law, it is likely that marriage will be redefined in many more States across the US.

Please pray 

Both cases will have enormous consequence for the definition of marriage in the United States. They will also be significant for efforts to protect marriage in other countries, including the UK.

Please pray that the current definition of marriage is upheld in both cases - and that no 'right to same-sex marriage' is established. Pray that weight is given to the 'well-being of children' rather than the 'desires of adults' - and that God's good pattern for marriage and family is not further corrupted.

Rulings in both cases are expected in June.

Help us stand for marriage in the UK

Please pray and donate to support our own efforts to uphold marriage here in the UK.

This is a global challenge and it requires a global response. Could you help us ensure that the UK stands up to protect marriage?

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