14 March 2013

First papal visit: The Virgin Salus Populi Romani:

The new Pope leaves Saint Mary Major, Rome (Il Giornale)
Pope Francis, barely 12 hours after his election, quietly left the Vatican early on Thursday to pray for guidance at a Rome basilica as he looks to usher a Catholic Church mired in intrigue and scandal into a new age of simplicity and humility.
Francis went to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the oldest church in the world dedicated to the Madonna, where he prayed before a famous icon of the Madonna called the Salus Populi Romani, or Protectress of the Roman People.

"He spoke to us cordially like a father," said Father Ludovico Melo, a priest who prayed with the pope. "We were given 10 minutes' advance notice that the pope was coming".(Thanks to Rrorate Caeli:here)

Here Is A  Good Starting List For The New Pope To Do!

Celebrate a public Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Write an encyclical on the restoration of orthodoxy

Invite Bishop round for drinkies

Hold a reception for Una Voce

Restore the Latin Mass within seminaries
 Issue a command to the Bishops to ensure at least one Sunday Mass is an EF one 

Command the spread of Plainchant

 Ban all musical "Street" instruments from the Liturgy

Burn  all hymn books post 1970

Create an Orthodox Syllabus for Religious  Education in Catholic Schools (Many thanks to Richard C for these  suggestions-See Linen On Hedgerow:here)

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