Dear Friend in Christ,
Talk about the Wisdom of the Fathers - here's one very wise father. Please watch this episode of the Vortex and pass it to your family and friends.
Talk about the Wisdom of the Fathers - here's one very wise father. Please watch this episode of the Vortex and pass it to your family and friends.
remember to tune into our radio show on TV on the internet; Mic'D Up!
This week, my guest will be John Bradform from -
we're going to be talking about Catholic manhood. 8PM Eastern, Wednesday
the 21st August - don't miss it! Click here to watch the show live or call in with questions!
GOD Bless you and your loved ones,
GOD Bless you and your loved ones,
Michael Voris
senior executive producer at ChurchMilitant.TV
For information on ChurchMilitant.TV speaking engagements, visit this webpage
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