29 September 2013


Dear Friends,

This is extremely urgent.

I would ask you hold up in prayer our brother in the Lord, Dr Scott Lively who is going for trial in America for crimes against humanity. Dr Lively has briefed and advised both Russia and Uganda on how to fend of the homosexual agenda that is relentless in its attack on Christianity, marriage and the family. The accusations against him are false but once accused of homophobic crimes against humanity, and the more Dr Lively protests his innocence, the more his accusers will insist that guilt will be found somewhere. This kind of witch hunt occurred during the Stalin and French terror. Whereas the law previously assumed a person was innocent until proven guilty, the assumption is now that one is automatically guilty until proven innocent. And of course it is impossible to prove a negative.

Dr Lively is the canary in the coal mine for all of us. Please become informed about this case.
At the moment I can only give you links to how his enemies read this. Please read the comments in order to understand what we will all be up against.

On September 24th, a Senior District US judge gave permission, contrary to American legal precedent, for a militant foreign organisation to sue in America a well respected pastor and lawyer. His offence was to visit Uganda and warn about the dangers of homosexuality to the family and personal health. The 'front' organisation, Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), is not American, but is a Ugandan umbrella organisation of homosexual groups determined to force through cultural and legal changes.

SMUG is accusing Dr Scott Liveley of gross inhumane acts that exceed the legal threshold of Crimes against Humanity. In other words he is accused of committing crimes on a level that would associate him with Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.- Yet in neither country has he said anything that would have broken any of their laws (otherwise he would have been arrested)!

Behind the campaign is an American coalition of homosexual activists led by the 'Center for Coalition Rights', which is based at 666 (!) Broadway, New York. It argues that to stop lesbians, gays, and other groups having their own way is persecution, and is therefore a crime against humanity. (see www.ccrjustice.org/lgbtuganda). Scott warns that if they succeed in changing international law, it will enormously strengthen the power of homosexual activists to break down traditional marriage and the family in countries across the world. -

Please would you pray:
  • For protection - both spiritual and physical- for Scott and Anne, (including their family and church), from violent attack and ongoing harassment by activists and sympathetic media.
  • For great wisdom and skill to be given to the Christian legal defence team
  • For the opponents to recognise their need for salvation through Christ
  • For godless schemes to founder and confusion to reign
  • For the judge to respect American law, rather than undermine it
  • For Christians to recognise and respond to the ultimate goal of the LGBT movement - the destruction of the Church itself.

For further information, go to the web: Defend the Family .com. For specific information on the Uganda situation go to: www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/archives.php?id=2345952

Thank you for your prayer. We shall keep you updated.

David Skinner and Anthony Busk

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