4 November 2013

Afternoon Thoughts-Have you experienced catastrophe?:

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The Grand Canyon Park bookstore operated by the National Park Service found itself in the midst of some controversy a few years ago when they were selling a book written by creationists much to the ire of the National Center for Science Education.

The book detailed how the Grand Canyon could have been formed from a “catastrophic” event – acatastrophe such as the flood of Noah’s day. Imagine that, it may have been a catastrophe that created such beauty!

Nearly 2000 years ago, the disciples witnessed a catastrophe -- the crucifixion of our Lord. But the Lord used this tragedy to redeem all mankind. This great catastrophe was turned to ultimate beauty.

Each of us has experienced tragedy in our lives. Inevitably the question arises -- Why? Let’s be encouraged by one of God’s most beautiful masterpieces. The Lord can turn our great catastrophes into great beauty -- into great victory!

Let’s turn to the Lord with our catastrophes. He can turn the most difficult tragedy into an incredible work of art! (George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah)

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