Children of the Father Foundation
When was the Last Time You Went to Confession? Part 3:
A few years ago, a gigantic Men’s Promise Keepers Movement, which filled the largest stadiums, sprung up among evangelicals. Part of this movement was for each man to confess his sins to another man. The Movement did not teach that the other man could forgive sins, it just saw the value of confessing sins to someone else on a regular basis. Each man had the same ten questions. Interestingly, the tenth question was, “Were you honest in answering the other nine?”
The ten questions of Men’s Promise Keepers were based upon the Ten Commandments. Answering them might bring personal sins out of the memory’s darkness into the light of truth. Sin is like mushrooms. It grows quickly when in darkness. Asking ourselves questions, based on the Ten Commandments, brings these sins to light. This is the beginning step. Finding forgiveness is the full gift.
Guilt is as normal as pain. Pain says that something is wrong with my body and I need to do something. Guilt says that something is wrong with my soul. Many people go to therapists, wanting to reveal inner feelings when they can no longer handle their guilt. Fortunately, Catholics have a sacrament. They have a priest, who is so united to Jesus Christ that he can say “This is My Body” and “This is My Blood”. He also has the power to say “I absolve you from your sins”. When he does, then Jesus Christ himself speaks these words.
For most of her life, St. Faustina suffered from tuberculosis and had many stays in hospitals. During one stay of two weeks, an angel brought her Holy Communion every morning. One day, she asked the angel to hear her confession. The angel replied, “I do not have the power to forgive sins. Only a priest does.” On another occasion, she was surprised that her confessor came into her hospital room. She sensed an even deeper kindness. After her sins were forgiven, she saw that Jesus himself had come to her in the appearance of her confessor. Catholics do not need extraordinary experiences. By faith, they believe that every priest has the same powers as Jesus.
From a very holy priest.
Please do forward these Spiritual Gems to your Catholic friends.
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God Bless you and your work,
Tony | ||
Anthony Mullen | ||
MyConsecration.org | ||
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