9 June 2012

Afternoon Thoughts-Are you glowing?:

1 Corinthains 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

This is a true story. When I wanted to 'pop the question', I planned the whole event out very carefully -- the restaurant, the roses delivered to the corner table between two big windows overlooking the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, an especially made heart shaped cheesecake (her favorite) with beautiful orchids atop for decoration. Even with all this preparation, when I actually did the proposing after dinner, on my knee, with ring in hand, my beloved just stared at the ring in disbelief. After a few very long minutes that I awaited her answer on bended knee in the middle of the restaurant and there came none, I thought I'd better get back into my chair. Finally, after another few long minutes, she said 'Well, aren't you going to kneel down and ask me to marry you?'

She was so taken aback by the ring that she didn't realize I had done it already! So there again, in the middle of the restaurant, she made me get back down and do it again! But that was the price I had to pay for such a lovely lady, I guess! Afterward, she glowed (as any girl would if she knew she was loved)!

In the ancient Hebrew marriage tradition, the groom's father would go and find him a bride -- like when Abraham sent his servant to choose a bride for Issac. A pretty price had to be paid for that bride, if you remember.

A price had to be paid for our marriage to the Lord too! And what price was that? It was Yeshua's (Jesus') voluntary death at Calvary.

Let's remember the great price that was paid for us. The price was precious, because we are precious to Him! He has loved us with an eternal love that cannot be changed! We are His treasure! We should be glowing with joy! (George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah)

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