9 June 2012

Christian Concern:

Christian Concern 

Only one week left to tell Government your views on Marriage

The Government's consultation on same-sex 'marriage' is due to close next Thursday (14th June).

Please use our
super fast form to respond, it takes less than 2 minutes.

Respond to consultation >

If you have already responded, please tell your friends about the consultation.

Tell your friends >

Sign petition to protect marriage >

Urgent Action: Christian doctors potentially at risk of being struck off - have your say

The General Medical Council (GMC) is consulting on new guidance which would restrict the freedom of Christian doctors to express their beliefs.

Have your say now!
 consultation closes next Wednesday (13th June).

You can respond to these proposals by completing this
easy-to-fill-in form on the GMC website (you do NOT have to be a medical professional to do this).

Questions 1-6 under the section entitled "Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice" on pages 26 - 29 are the most important (you can leave the rest out if you want).

Have a look at this
helpful advice from Dr Peter Saunders (CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship) for some good pointers on how to answer the questions. 

Senior bishop criticises increasing rates of abortion, promiscuity and divorce in Diamond Jubilee address  

The Bishop of London has criticised the increasing rates of abortion, divorce and promiscuity in Britain, stating that the Queen’s Jubilee should be used as an opportunity to restore lost values.

Find out more >

Read Andrea’s latest blog – Diamond Jubilee: The Queen, the Gospel and the Hope of a Nation >

Not Ashamed of the Cross - help us support Shirley

On Tuesday 4th September, the European Court of Human Rights will hear submissions in Nurse Shirley’s case and those of Gary McFarlane, Nadia Eweida and Lillian Ladele.

Thanks to your efforts in sending postcards and emails, we’ve been contacted by MPs wanting to know more.

Help us support Shirley >

Order postcards and contact your MP >

'Unborn children at risk': Warning over new genetic screening technique

A new test will allow doctors to identify more than 3,500 genetic disorders in unborn babies, raising concerns that the procedure will result in more women opting for an abortion.

Find out more > 

Forced marriages to become illegal under tough new laws

Home Secretary Theresa May has announced plans to make forced marriages illegal in England and Wales under new legislation due to be introduced next year.

Find out more >

Full list of links

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