13 May 2012

Christian Concern:

Dear Friends,
I am writing to tell you last night’s news and ask for your help.
In brief, the World Congress of Families, here led by Andrea Minichiello Williams, was to have hosted the conference, ‘One Man. One Woman. Making the case for marriage, for the good of society’ at the Law Society HQ later this month with contributions by senior High Court Judge Sir Paul Coleridge and others. However, last night the Law Society cancelled the booking, claiming it was ‘contrary to diversity policy, espousing as it does an ethos which is opposed to same-sex marriage’. In effect, it admitted ‘Diversity’ means LGBTQ only!

I believe that this is a chilling example of what is in store for us if we do nothing at this point. We can stand with Andrea and her brave team through our interest and concern, prayers and financial support, and by telling others, including our church networks, about this situation.
To contact Andrea: http://www.christianconcern.com/contact-us; 020 7935 1488

The daylight appears to be drawing in when we will no longer be able to write or say anything that does nothing less than celebrate homosexuality. Perhaps we have only a matter of a few years or even months before the LGBT juggernaut silences us completely.

Stonewall would now seemingly exert almost total control of the judiciary, legislature and political machinery of our once-free nation. Let us not forget how Stonewall and the Equality and Human Rights Commission attempted to destroy Mr and Mrs Bull and their B&B business, Chymorvah, in Cornwall, because they refused to allow two men to have sex under their roof, in their beds. Here we are being denied access to a major event in the heart of London because we affirm the traditional view of marriage.
Earlier this year, I was not only silenced from speaking on these matters at an open meeting at a local university, but physically assaulted in front of an audience of students and yet the police refuse to investigate the incident (I am unable to disclose the details of the incident).
And just last month, our bus advert, on 26 London buses, was banned by Boris Johnson, mayor of London. who abused his position to silence our voice. In my view, this is merely a rehearsal for a fast-approaching totalitarian state.

Please pass this information onto as many people as you can.
God bless and keep you all.
David Skinner

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