31 October 2012

Stonewall accused of bullying 1:

Dear friends,
Stonewall, the LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and Transsexual) lobby, which presently has the British government in its thrall, appear to be accused of the very thing they profess to be campaigning against with their ubiquitous poster, SOME PEOPLE ARE GAY. GET OVER IT! [1] And that is bullying. [2] If people are not prepared to accept homosexuality as being normal, there are a number options open to Stonewall to force the British population into submission, ranging from the threat of prison, loss of occupation, having your children taken into care, being fined and to being invited to the annual Stonewall Awards for public humiliation. [3]
Stonewall, with their Annual Awards evening being held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, this Thursday, 1st November, have nominated for their ‘Bigot of the Year’ award Alan Craig of the Christian Peoples’ Alliance, Simon Lokodo, Lord Maginnis, Cardinal Keith O'Brien and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia.
Ben Summerskill, Stonewall’s chief executive, denies the accusation of bullying, and claims that anyone who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices more than deserves the stigma of homophobic bigot.
He claims to represent a victim minority group who apparently are being persecuted to the point of extinction, on the same scale as Jews in the holocaust and black slaves working in the plantations, and would suggest that the merest raising of an eyebrow towards homosexuality was equivalent to supporting present day homosexuals being executed in far off places like Iran and Africa. One of Stonewall’s founder members, Sir Ian McKellen, is presently working his way through every UK education establishment ,whispering this accusation into the mind of every child who would reject homosexuality , and saying that they should instead all be kind to one another [4].
If such oppression is true, Stonewall are certainly not short of friends in government, or cash; a ticket to the Stonewall bash on November 1st costs £155.
Those nominated for the bigot of the Year, ever since the awards began, in 2006, have included Lord Devon, the 18th Earl of Devon, who refused to permit civil partnership celebrations as well as weddings at Powderham Castle, his ancestral seat; Lillian Ladele, the Islington registrar who refused to perform civil partnerships; Patricia McKeever, editor of the Catholic Truth website and newsletter, who ‘outed’ Catholic priests.
Most of them are Christians, many of whom are bishops, whom our Queen promised to protect during her Coronation oath in 1953.
Amongst those nominated were, in 2007, the Archbishop of Birmingham who spoke out against treating children needing adoption as goods and services for gays; in 2008 Bishop of Motherwell, the Roman Catholic bishop, who stated that the gays had insinuated themselves into the Holocaust week.
In 2009, the Bishop of Winchester was nominated as ‘Bigot of the Year’ after he said people should be free to question whether homosexuality is a fixed trait.
Anthony Priddis, the Bishop of Hereford, who withdrew a job offer to a youth worker because he was gay and was subsequently fined £47,000, was invited to come and receive the award in person in 2007. Ben Summerskill told an audience of 400 gathered at the Victoria Albert museum in London that the Bishop of Hereford had been invited but claimed to be on holiday.
Those chosen are now presented in absentia with the award, but if Stonewall ever become powerful enough this could well change, with those selected, being forced to attend, perhaps even with placards around their necks, saying “I am a filthy homophobic swine.”
Faced with the charge of bullying, Summerskill claims "We have never called anyone a bigot just because they disagreed with us."…. "All the nominees have gone well beyond what anyone normal would call a decent level of public discourse.” Indeed Ben has said in the past that he has nothing against temperate expressions of disagreement. So how does he define what is normal, decent and temperate?
May I suggest that it is nothing less than a warm - but measured and restrained -standing ovation for the sexual behaviour of Liam Nolan, a Stonewall champion of diversity. He is now a government educational advisor and Head teacher of Perry Beeches School, at Sandwell Park, who left his wife for the gay life and was fined £1000 with £1500 court costs for performing an indecent act with another man in a public beauty spot.
Or maybe it is the behaviour of these two blushing brides, who are the face of Boris Johnson’s brave new world of gay marriage, relegating us who are faithfully married to our wives children to the Stone Age.
Or maybe it is the normal and temperate behaviour of James Rennie, chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, established in November 1989 as the Stonewall Youth Project by members of the LGBT community in Edinburgh.
Or maybe the behaviour of men who have sex with men parading in this year’s World Pride, with Stonewall marching four square with them. Maybe this is all temperate, decent, normal, dignified and proud.
How soon before the following display of all things temperate, decent and normal comes to London, let alone a city near you?
WARNING : but remember, I am not exposing those things done in the dark and of which Christians should not even talk about, but things done in the brought light of day and which we and our children are going to be forced to accept as normal, decent and temperate - or else!
Finally, there are worse things than being nominated Stonewall Bigot of the Year, and that is to be nominated Stonewall hero of the year, like Mr Roger Crouch, last year at the 2011 Stonewall Awards.
When Sir Ian McKellen and Ben Summerskill ask the question, “ Has it ever crossed your mind that you might be gay?” of people like Dominic Crouch and his father, Roger, the consequences can be catastrophic.
In 2010 Dominic was only fifteen when he committed suicide after throwing himself from the top of a parking lot.
His father, at his funeral, gave a moving tribute to the son he loved. [4]
Ben Summerskill, Stonewall's chief executive, who worked closely with the couple, said "It would have been terribly easy for them just to immediately move on and not consider how they might help to change other people's lives.
"We don't know whether Dominic was gay or not, but one of the sad truths of so many similar cases is that parents tend to go into complete denial, even when there is quite significant evidence as to why their child committed suicide. In these cases, those parents are going through all the emotions of discovering their child might have been gay……”
Stonewall on their website said that since Since Dominic’s death, Roger dedicated himself tirelessly to working to raise awareness of homophobic bullying in schools.[5]
In November 2011, two weeks after being presented with Stonewall’s Hero of Year Award, at the Victoria and Albert museum, Roger Crouch himself committed suicide [6]
Mrs Crouch found the 55-year-old hanged in the family's garage.
She revealed that the double loss was difficult to comprehend and equally difficult to deal with.
Mrs Crouch said an ordinary thing, like going for a nice walk on a sunny day, was no longer the same because she would return to the house and her son and husband would not be there when she got back.
"I almost can't believe the situation I find myself in."
A mother wrote to me recently saying
“Dear David, I see even in my family with Christian beliefs that my only son is saying he is an atheist after pressure from peer groups at school (just to be accepted and considered normal just like everyone else). He says now that homosexuality is normal. I have to fight these ideas. My weapon is prayers.
I do not know but I have to trust God for bringing him back.
This is the new modern society trashing our children even in a
Catholic school. It began last year when the school decided to open a debate on the existence of God. I emailed the school saying I did not understand why a Catholic school was opening a debate on the existence of God. The following day the subject was only to express your personal beliefs, presumably because there is no absolute objective truth.
The worm is already in the apple and only God can save. My son is brought up in a loving, Christian family but the outside pressure is unbearable and the kids cannot cope with the brain washing.”
David Skinner

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