St Luke gives us a picture of the
irruption of God into history. He partially but accurately reconstructs
the political arrangement of Palestine at the time of John. The rulers
of the earth are in their places. Then, after this description of the
political establishment, “the word of God came to John son of Zechariah
in the wilderness.” Something new begins, done by God. Although the
rulers remain ignorant–for now–they are to be fundamentally challenged,
albeit in a non-political manner, by this new thing that begins with
John the Baptist. The word of God, Luke tells us, comes upon John,
evoking the call of Jeremiah, and the experiences of the Spirit of God
coming upon a person in the Old Testament. John’s preaching of a baptism
of conversion or repentance again connects him with the great prophets
of Israel who called the people back from their alienation from and
rebellion against God, to resituate their lives in living out God’s
commandments. This call for repentance is reiterated in Jesus’ ministry,
emphasising the continuing relevance of John’s preaching. John, the
last and greatest of the prophets, is the forerunner of the incarnate
Word (and of the Church), preaching God’s forgiveness and the salvation
of all people. In the words of his father’s great hymn of praise John
will ‘make known to his people their salvation through forgiveness of
all their sins.’ John calls us back to God, and points us to Jesus, who
forgives our sins and guides us into the way of peace.
John reminds us of the need to be
prepared for the Christ who is to come so that all mankind can indeed
see God’s salvation, manifest in our lives if we follow the way of
peace. That means, as Paul tells the Philippians, that we must strive to
improve our knowledge and deepen our perception of how with God’s help
we may love each other more and more as he has shown us he loves us,
working with Jesus who has begun this good work in us by bequeathing us
the Spirit of his love, and hoping that he may bring it to completion.
We are to remember or awake to or stir up in ourselves in this season of
grace that we are to abound in an intelligent and perceptive love,
doing what is needful in charity, recognizing the essential things of
life; especially our love of God and our desire to love as God, prompted
by his Spirit, allowing Jesus to generate through us all kinds of good
deeds, so making manifest God’s mercy, showing his salvation to our
That might seem a tall order. But we are
invited just now to step aside, be still, focus on what truly matters.
We are to hear and receive the Word that we might bear it. From hearers
we are to become doers of the Word, displaying God’s compassion in our
lives. If this seems impossibly difficult, we might remember the other
icon of Advent, with the Baptist: the young woman who was told by the
angel that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and the power of the
Most High would cover her with its shadow. For nothing is impossible to
God, even making saints out of such unlikely characters as ourselves, if
only we would listen to his Word, respond to his call, enter his
embrace.(Gregory Murphy O.P.torch.op.org:here)
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