This is perhaps the most
serious message I have heard to date about the LGBT /gay
agenda’s determination to dominate not just Britain,
or Europe but the world.
All safeguards that the
British Government, since Tony Blair came to power in 1997
and up till now, have been written into the flood of LGBT
legislation poured onto a nation that no longer knows its
right hand from its left, assuring us that no-one will be
forced to embrace homosexuality and abortion as a way of
life, will prove to have been profoundly worthless –
unless we act and now!
Please read the message
here and let it sink in. But essentially, it means our
freedom to live quiet and peaceful lives, raising our
families for the next generations will cease within a very
short time. Persecution which occurs in Marxist and Islamic
countries, against Christians in particular, will be as
nothing compared to the Tsunami headed our way.
“And do not suppose
that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the
reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste
of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year
unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial
vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in
the olden time” - Winston Churchill 1938
From Family Watch
No matter where you live, we are
urging you to help us stop the European Parliament (EP) from
advancing a dangerous measure disguised as a resolution on
fundamental rights. This motion
will be debated Tuesday evening and voted on by all EP
Members on Wednesday morning. As noted below, we have a
simple, one-click method to send a quick
email to 52 key leaders in the European
The following are specific serious problems with the
- Encourages Member States to criminalize and characterize opinions against homosexuality as “hate speech” and calls for an inappropriate expansion of criminal offences to include expressions based on “homophobic or transphobic intent.”
- Promotes the legalization of same-sex marriage and abortions where not already legal. (Abortion is a competency of Member States, not European Union (EU) law, and thus not the European Parliament.
- Encourages liberalizing laws regulating comprehensive sexuality education. (Click here to see the serious problems with this kind of education.)
- Calls on Member States to protect “the freedom of those without a religion not to suffer discrimination as a result of excessive exemptions for religions from laws on equality and non-discrimination.”
Can you guess which organizations helped draft the
content of the proposed resolution?
are many of the same activist non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) that recently bashed Mr. Borg’s nomination as
EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner, falsely
claiming that his personal and religious beliefs concerning
the family, homosexuality, marriage and abortion did not
conform to “European values.” You can read a
copy of FWI’s letter to key committee chairmen on the
Borg nomination here.
NGOs that want to radicalize European values through this
proposed resolution include:
European Humanist Federation, the LGBT lobby (International
Lesbian and Gay Association, or ILGA for Europe), Social
Platform (an umbrella organization of activist NGOs), and
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Many of these NGOs advocate the same radical sexual
rights agenda at the United Nations
level, and we
cannot allow them to advance their agenda in a large region
such as the EU.
Now for the kicker: The proposed resolution also
“Calls for the revision of the procedural rules of the
CJEU and General Court in order to facilitate third-party
interventions, by human rights NGOs in particular.”
these rules were modified per the resolution, it would
expose the independent judicial system in the EU that
defines human rights to political pressure by NGOs to
redefine and radically expand them.
Many of the NGOs that drafted the resolution and that
would likely intervene in judicial cases receive significant
funds from the European Commission, creating a serious
separation of powers problem. In fact, the resolution also calls
for a “permanent scoreboard on
Time is short. Many leaders of the EU are sensitive to world public
opinion. We urge you to email the suggested
message attached below to the 52 key
leaders of the EP with just the click of your mouse. By
doing so, you are sending the email pasted
Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard on
these dangerous social policies being considered by the
European Parliament. If they are adopted, they will
set a dangerous precedent that other governments will be
pressured to follow.

Sharon Slater

Sharon Slater
opposing EP motion for a proposed
resolution on fundamental rights
resolution on fundamental rights
Party Leader,
respectfully request that you and your party members vote
against the Motion for a European
Parliament Resolution on the Situation of Fundamental Rights
in the European Union (2010-2011), tabled as Text
A7-0383/2012 by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice
and Home Affairs. The proposed resolution would encourage
Member States to redefine and radically expand fundamental
human rights as defined in European law.
Amendment 4 to the motion submitted by the PPE Group
recognizes, “the EU has become a symbol of freedom,
fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law for
millions of people outside the Union.” However, those
of us outside of the Union are concerned with recent social
developments within the EU, and the excessive influence that
some NGOs have on your legal institutions.
NGOs who want to radicalize European values through this
proposed resolution, the contents of which they helped
draft, include the European Humanist Federation,
International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA for Europe),
Social Platform, and International Planned Parenthood
Federation (IPPF). Many of these NGOs also promote a radical
sexual rights agenda at the United Nations. In the
resolution, they “urge the Commission and Council to
improve cooperation with international organizations dealing
with fundamental rights,” including the parent
organizations or affiliates of these NGOs.
The proposed resolution would encourage Member States
to remove restrictions on sexuality education; criminalize
and characterize opinions against homosexuality as
“hate speech”; and legalize same-sex marriage
and abortions (where not already done by Member States).
provisions raise the following problems:
- Sexuality education, as defined by the NGOs and others who push the program at the UN, sexualizes and strips children of their innocence. This program contradicts the prior fundamental right of parents “to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.” Universal Declaration, Article 26(3) (1948).
- Abortion is a competency of Member States, not European Union (EU) law, and thus the EU Parliament should not interfere in the matter through the proposed resolution.
- In addition to calling for an inappropriate expansion of criminal offences to include expressions based on “homophobic or transphobic intent,” the proposed resolution calls on Member States to protect “the freedom of those without a religion not to suffer discrimination as a result of excessive exemptions for religions from laws on equality and non-discrimination.” If Member States followed such guidance, they could easily undermine the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and religion guaranteed by Articles 10 and 11 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
proposed resolution also raises significant separation of
powers concerns, as it calls on the EU judiciary that
defines human rights “to facilitate
third-party interventions, by human rights NGOs in
particular.” Excessive intervention in
judicial proceedings by human rights NGOs such as the ones
that helped draft this provision, some of which are heavily
funded by the EC, undermines the independence of the EU
judiciary. In fact, the proposed resolution also calls for a
“permanent scoreboard on
Thank you for your attention on this matter.
Please forward this on to
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